Module 3 - 300hr Teacher Training
+300hr CrossYoga Teacher Training
The +300hr training consists of 3 modules. Modules 3, 4 and 5.
Welcome to CrossYoga Academy’s 300hr Yoga Teacher Training!
Hello :-) I'm Rie Skårhøj - Founder of CrossYoga / Academy
Welcome! I'm Linda Shaffer. Lead Trainer and Founder of ALIGN Christ Centered Yoga
The 🧘♀️ IMPORTANT Practical Information
The 300 Hour Path. Understand the Bigger Picture
Expectations of: Assignments, tasks, trainers and recordings
Assignment: Your Goals and Deadlines for this Training
Download the Manual for Module 3
CrossYoga Ethics and Expectations to Teachers
General Policies (As required by Yoga Alliance)
A. Introductions and Repetition: Christian yoga and Cueing
B. Introductions & Repetition: Cueing and Themning
CrossYoga’s Theological Principles + Christian Ethics
Short Tutorial: Create a YouTube Channel for Video uploads/Assignments
Interview: Experiences as a Yoga Instructor. Linda and Rie
Welcome to This Chapter on Advanced Cueing
Introduction to Advanced Cueing Techniques
Advanced Cueing Visual and Auditory Cues
Assignment: Advanced Cueing Auditory/Verbal Cues
Advanced Cueing Focus Demonstration
Assignment: Advanced Cueing Focus Demonstration
Advanced Cueing Imagery
Advanced Cueing Imagery Embodied Emotion
Cueing Metaphor
Demonstration of Imagery Metaphor Cueing
Assignment: Demonstration of Imagery Metaphor
Cueing Create and Maintain Interest
Cueing to Inspire and Encourage
Harmony in Motion: Integrating Music into your Yoga Practice
Create a Playlist: Harmony in Motion
Spiritual Disciplines: Inward
Assignment: Read the Bible
Assignment: Inward Spiritual Disciplines
Join this Class on Prayer (40 minutes)
Spiritual Disciplines: Outward
Assignment: Spiritual Disciplines: Outward
Spiritual Disciplines: Corporate
Assignment: Spiritual Disciplines: Corporate
Lesson 2: History and Principles of CrossYoga
Understanding Ancient Culture and Literature. (47 minutes)
Understanding the Roots of Yoga
Understanding Yogic Literature (Vedic, Uphanishads and Mahabharata)
Read part of the Upanishades
Download: Parts of the Upanishads
Understanding the Historical Context of the Yoga Sutras (35 min)
Yamas and Niyamas as Devotional Inspiration
Interview: Faith & Topics related to Yoga Philosophy (40 Minutes)
Read small part of Hatha Yoga
Download: Parts of Hatha Yoga
Test your Knowledge: Yoga History. Philosophy and Faith
See Yoga Practices From 1932 and 1960's
Hatha Yoga and Tantra Influence
From Hatha yoga to Moderne Postural Yoga
Yoga Philosophy, Book recommendations and Wrapping Up
Introduction and Definitions of Meditation
Interview on Meditation with Olivia Shone (UK). Part 1
Interview on Meditation with Olivia Shone (UK). Part 2
Christian Meditation By Oliva Shone
Try this Biblical Visuel Meditation
Meditation Styles and Guiding Meditations (Review)
Creating Visual Meditations. Tutorial 1
Creating Visual Biblical Meditations. Tutorial 2
Creating Biblical Visual Meditations. Tutorial 3
Assignment: Create two Biblical Visual Meditations
7 Day Meditation Challenge - Introduction
Day 1. Meditation Challenge
Day 2. Meditation Challenge
Day 3. Meditation Challenge
Day 4. Meditation Challenge
Day 5. Meditation Challenge
Day 6. Meditation Challenge
Day 7. Meditation Challenge
Reflection on the Meditation Challenge
Prayer of Examen
Prayer of Examen
Introduction to the 3 Chapters: Anatomy, Power Yoga and Postures/Exercise
Review of the Skeleton
Muscle Review: Abs
Muscle Review: the Back
Muscle Review: Shoulders
Muscle Review: The Neck
Muscle Review: Arms
Muscle Review: Thigh
Muscle Review: The Hip
Muscle Review: Lower Leg
Collection of Pictures in Motions of Muscles / Joints
An Introduction to Strength and Stretch Theory
How to Use Muscles - Theory
Strength Training and the Body in Different Stages of Life_With David Melgaard
Why is Strength Training, Cardio and Cross Training Important?
Primary Types of Stretching + Mobility
Stretching Theory
Common Injuries. Interview with David Melgaard
Common Patologis Today With David Melgaard
Science and Faith! Examples of research used in yoga
Science, Research and Faith. How do we know what we know in the moderne society
HOW TO get Through the Next to Chapters
Teaching Power Yoga - Definition, Why and How
Teaching Power Yoga - Practical Advice
Weights ABC. Differences and what to use
Important Safety Guidelines for Power Yoga
The 5 Principles of Power Yoga / Strength Training
Using your Voice! Verbal Cueing in Power Yoga
Sequencing in Power Yoga
Sequencing in Power Yoga
Theming in Power Yoga + Music
Theming in Power Yoga
HIT - High Intensity Training. How and Why?
Abs: Rectus Abdominus No 1
Abs: Rectus Abdominis No 2
Abs: Transversus Abdominis
Abs: Obliques No 1
Abs: Obliques No 2
Abs: Obliques No 3
Abs: Obliques No 4
Shoulders No 1
Shoulders No 2
Shoulders No 3
Shoulders No 4
Shoulders No 5
Shoulders No 6
Thighs No 1
Thighs No 2
Thighs No 3
Hamstrings No 1
Hamstrings No 2
Hamstrings No 3
Glutes Maximus No 1
Glues Maximus No 2
Glutes Maximus No 3
Glutes Medimus and Minimus No 1
Glutes Mediums and Minimus No 2
Glutes Medimus and Minimus No 3
Inner Thigh / Adductors No 1
Inner Thigh / Adductors No 2
You did it!! Next Step!
Posture Awareness in Everyday Life
Assignment: Create and Teach
We want YOU to be able to join. Living conditions/income levels are different around the world, so find out what your yearly household income is and see if you get a price reduction
Below 9,000€ 👉🏼 Pay only 598€ / 612 $US
Between 9,000€–22,500€ 👉🏼 Pay only 998€ / 1020 $US
Between 22,500€–45,000€ 👉🏼 Pay only 1596€ / 1635 US$
Above 45,000€ 👉🏼 Pay only 1995€ / 2020 US$